You can edit the First Name, Last Name and Email Address of Respondents.

Editing of First Name and Last Name is usually done on sensitive projects where you want to minimise the amount of personal information that is stored about Respondents.

The most frequent need for this might be to delete their last name or simply use their Last Name initial to partially anonymise the data.

These edits will NOT be visible to the Respondent.

Please note that the Observer access will always only see the Respondent's First Name and Last Name initial.

Please find more on Roles & Permissions:

Tips for editing First Name

To activate the Edit feature, hover your mouse over the first name, last name or email and click on the pencil icon to edit.

You can edit the First Name at any time but please note that any edits to the First Name will be visible to the Respondents in any emails or push notification reminders.

Tips for editing Last Name

To activate the Edit feature, hover your mouse over the first name, last name or email and click on the pencil icon to edit.

You can edit the Last Name at any time (or reduce it to just an initial).

Tips for editing the Email address

To activate the Edit feature, hover your mouse over the first name, last name or email and click on the pencil icon to edit.

The Email address is editable only before the Respondent has registered. You can use this in situations where the respondent has registered with a different email or you made a typo in the email when you added it to the dashboard.

If the Respondent has registered with a different email, simply change the email to the one they registered with and ask them to restart the Indeemo app. This will automatically link them to your project.