As well as being able to segment respondents into Target Groups, the Alias allows you to add any other segmentations or unique/ alternate identifiers to each respondent.

The Alias is useful because:

  1. It will appear next to the respondent's name on each upload they submit.
  2. You can filter by Alias using the Respondents filter on the Dashboard. 

Moderators, Recruiters and Observers can see a respondents alias.

Please find more on Roles & Permissions:

More information:

How To Add, Edit, Remove an Alias

For detailed information on the Respondent Alias feature, please watch this video them scroll down for more information.

1. Click on “Add Alias” next to the relevant respondent. 

2. Type the alias you want and save it.

You can add multiple by simply adding a comma ( , ) between each Alias. 

You can edit the alias by clicking on the pencil icon next to it.

To remove an alias, just click on the edit button/ pencil icon and remove what you have written.

How to filter by Alias

On the Dashboard view, you can find respondents by their Alias by searching for the relevant Alias in the Respondents filter. 

To filter by alias, type in the alias in the Respondent filter (please skip to 1:58min in the above video to see how).