Using URL/ QR Code respondent onboarding and enabling the Customised Respondent Registration page & Opt in Consent allows you to:

  • Onboard respondents by providing them with a URL link/ QR Code specific to their Target Group within the project (bypassing the need to pre-add their emails as is the onboarding process used the most in Indeemo: Adding & Inviting Respondents)
  • Customise a branded Customised Respondent Registration page for your Respondents. 
  • Use Opt in Consent to embed your Consent Form / Terms and Conditions in PDF format as part of your registration flow for respondents. Respondents must either Accept or Reject your Terms and Conditions as part of their Indeemo registration flow.

This works well when:

  • You are recruiting from your own CRM or user list
  • You wish to recruit Respondents in a particular context (e.g. Hotel room, Medical facility) 
  • You wish to include a QR code when you ship your customers a particular product. They could scan the QR code when they open the package, register straight into your Indeemo project and immediately share their out of the box experience with you. 

More Information:

Indeemo requirements for enabling this feature

To onboard respondents via URL/ QR Code, please note the below 2 requirements:

1. Text for the Customised Registration Page
Provide text (and a logo if required) for respondents who will register to take part in your project.

2. Terms and conditions for Opt-In Consent
We also require you to send us the terms and conditions in PDF you want respondents who are taking part to agree to as part of the Opt In Consent.

Here are some tips when formatting your PDF to ensure its easily readable for respondents.

  • Use a standard font on Microsoft Word or Google Docs exported to PDF format
  • Use Size 24- 26 font 

Customised Registration Page

Enabling a Customised Respondent Registration Page allows you to customise a branded Indeemo registration page for your Respondents. 

You have the option to add your own logo and a custom welcome message that explains what they need to do next. 

Each Target Group in your project is assigned a unique registration page URL/ QR Code.

Once enabled, you can then embed the unique URL for each Target Group in your survey screener or email the registration URL/ QR Code to your various customer personas / lists. 

Once they register via the unique URL, we  automatically link them to the Tasks that you have created for each specific Target Group. 

Please find instructions on Adding & Inviting Respondent using URL/ QR Code (Customised Registration Page & Opt in Consent) and to see how this would look to respondents.

In conjunction with the Customised Respondent Registration page, you can upload research consent forms / Terms and Conditions for  projects on Indeemo.

Once enabled, Respondents who register via your Customised Respondent Registration page must either Accept or Reject your Terms and Conditions as part of their Indeemo registration flow. 

This guarantees that only Respondents who explicitly opt-in are linked to your project. 

Note: This functionality is only available when respondents register via our Customised Respondent Registration page. It is not available when Respondent emails are added directly into your Project and then invited by email.    


Please find instructions on Adding & Inviting Respondent using URL/ QR Code (Customised Registration Page & Opt in Consent) and to see how this would look to respondents.

Follow the steps at the following link: Adding & Inviting Respondent using URL/ QR Code (Customised Registration Page & Opt in Consent)

The Respondent Onboarding Experience

Please find a video which shows what will happen on the respondents side: How Respondents Register with Indeemo, Download the Indeemo App & Log in