Getting Started - Planning your Indeemo Project

Getting Started - Planning your Indeemo Project
This section of the Help Center contains all the info you need to plan and set up a project on Indeemo. It covers the 3 steps to consider when planning ...
1.1 Recruitment & Smartphone Requirements
If you are using Indeemo's Recruitment Integration, please visit Recruitment with Indeemo. If you are enabling Facial Blur/ Obfuscation, please visit I...
1.2 Checking the Operating System (OS) version
To download the indeemo mobile app, respondents need to have the following operating system versions on their devices: 1.1 Recruitment & Smartphone R...
2.1 Task List Design
When it comes to Tasking on mobile, you need an entirely mobile first approach. What worked on desktop tools or older technologies does not translate well t...
2.2 Tips to include in the task list
Although the Indeemo App is extremely user friendly; there are some tips we would suggest that should be included in your task list/ task description to ens...
3. Submit your Project for Setup
Once you have completed the Task List template, you can then submit the project for set up.  This simply means logging into the Indeemo Dashboard, clicking...
Email template to send to your Recruiter regarding the Screener
Please see below a sample email template that you should send to your recruiter ASAP regarding the Smartphone and Operating System (OS) that respondents wil...